Wednesday 27 May 2009


Jermaine Tomlin                           


                                                   Discourse Work – May 2009-


Postmodernism is the after movement which took place after the modernist movement. Postmodernism takes the foundations of the cultural movements in modernism which is shown in various varieties, and pushed further through the development in technology available in the present post-modernist movement.  Evidence of this can be seen in various types of art available to us today such as inter media, installation art, conceptual art, and multi media. In the present day of postmodernism, some artists have become well known for their work in the various fields of art, one of which is Andy Warhol. Warhols work stretches across various art fields such as filmmaking, painting and filmmaking. Warhol is most famous for his stature in the visual art “movement” in postmodernism, Pop Art. Pop Art takes away an element of work away from the context that’s it is placed in and places it with other objects leading to a new meaning for that piece af artwork. Other artists work that are well known within the post modern era include the likes of Jerry Ross (Painter) Scott Reeder (American artist and filmmaker) Donald Baechler (painter and collager)






This is seen as the foundation of the post modern era of today.  Where postmodernism is a continuation of  modernist movements, modernism  was the more traditional forms of art, such as  literature, art, religious beliefs, and aspects of daily life’s. artists such as Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Eduardo Paolozzi, Claude Monet, hundertwasser were artists whose work contributed to various types of art in the modernist movement. There contributions along with other artists proved important. The modernist movement was seen as a way of rejecting tradition so that new ways of art/expression could be realized.




Work of Jackson Pollock.

Jackson Pollock is seen as a massive figure in the abstract expressionist movement. Sometimes criticized for the motives behind his work. Pollocks work moved on from the “safe” traditions within the modernist movement.


Picasso. - (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973)

Picasso was a key figure in the art world. Picasso was a painter, sculptor and a draughtsman. Picasso is most known for his involvement in the Cubist movement.

Foreign advertising

With the UK, the idea of foreign advertisement gradually came into play. Ideas from English advertisers were becoming repetitive resulting in companies going for outside the UK for fresh ideas in selling their products. The most successful types of advertisements coming from overseas were humorous ones, as the ideas are coming from a different culture.




Semiotics is the study of  sign processes, communications and symbols.  In the case of design, it can be seen as a way of communication to people by exploration of different types of media. By studying semiotics, this could result in a more successful advertisement.





The types of  semiotics  are listed as above.






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